Blacker Hovse closed for World War II
April 1943 - March 1946

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The Last known meeting of Blacker before it closed for World War II took place on Tuesday, 27 April 1943. It is not know when it officially closed and was turned over to the United Stated Navy V-12 program.

Blacker reopened in the Spring of 1946. It's first meeting was on Tuesday, 5 March 1946. The members of Blacker introduced themselves and selected new officers.

Civilian students were still enrolled at Caltech throughout the war. There were even some freshmen in 1944. The people in classes that would have been freshmen when Blacker was closed, can be found from 1944 and 1945.

Data collected by Benjamin Smith, Fr '89, Grad '94, President Dec 1992-Jan 1994
Email: Ben . . This page last modified: 13:40 CDT, 7 October 2000