Blacker Hovse, Photos, 3rd Term 1990
Chris Hurwitz (Sr) bent on destruction. This is a photo in the triple (normally Room 16, but this year the doors
were swtiched so that 16 was 18 and 18 was 16)
The foolish Phyiscs 3 TA gave Benjamin Smith (Fr) the option of either redoing
a lab or writing 100 times on the blacker board "I will not do labs w/o first describing the procedure". Given the decision between 6 hours of grunge work or 2 hours of mindless writing what would the average Techer choose? See for yourself.
Climbing at Big Rock:
Ian Agol (So), Clo Butcher (Fr), Katy Quinn (Fr) and Todd Walker (Fr) half way up while Benjamin Smith (Fr) lead climbs the 2nd pitch
Todd Walker belays Ian Agol
Katy Quinn repels down
Blacker Champion Broomball Team
Blacker actually won one of the early Y Boffo Bonecruncher Broomball
tournaments. Posing before the game are: (L to R) Craig "Padding" Volden (So),
Dan "Air Broom" Resnick (Fr), Benjamin "Kill 'em All" Smith (Fr), Kevin "Red
Path" Archie (So)
, Todd "Hiding" Walker (Fr), Hoyt "Banzai" Hudson (So) and
Dan "Duct Tape" Frumin (Fr).
President Dave Kim (Jr) cross-dresses in Upper P along with Jerri Martin (So)
Party in the Triple (18)
Why? Uknown. Moles L to R: Karen Ross (Fr), Jo-Ann Quinn (non-Techer twin of
Katy), Clo Butcher (Fr), Jennifer Wright (Fr), Noam Bernstein (So and back to
camera), David Skie (Fr), Deron Walters (So), unknown back to camer--probably
Katy Quinn, Pete McCann (Fr and back to Camera), and Alan Kulawick (Fr).
Email: Ben . .
This page last modified: 01:00 CST 28 November 2000